Find Out What Binaural Audio Is and What It Can Do for You

How Binaural Beats Work

Binaural beats are disparity between two audio frequencies. When you hear two sounds blend, another tone is created which is known as the primary beat. In lieu of mixing the two tones together in the air to create the difference tone; the tones are separately provided into each of your ears using headphones.

For example, your right ear is fed a 20Hz tone, and the left is provided a 30Hz tone. When combined in the air you would expect a 10Hz difference. Since we are feeding the tone to each ear using headphones; the interference is diminished and we still get a 10Hz actual tone created in your brain which is actually unexplained. Binaural beats may control functions of the brain in ways besides those associated to hearing.

This occurrence is called frequency following response. The concept is that if one receives a stimulus with a frequency in the range of brain waves, the predominant brain wave frequency is likely to move towards the frequency of the stimulus.

How Can This Knowledge Help Improve My Daily Life?

The beats are useful for the purposes of meditation, stress reduction and to change your mood. Binaural beats are claimed to make the person listening to it to have greater creative capacity. The binaural beats that are used for meditation allow the brain to deeply relax and enter into a deep lulling sleep that will allow the individual to function better.

Another effect of binaural beats is that they permeate through the subconscious part of the mind of the individual. They stimulate and change the brainwaves of the individual. This makes it very useful for achieving the creative capacity and to change the behavior of the individual.

In altering the brainwave patterns of the individual through listening to binaural beats, he or she is able to have greater focus, a stronger memory, increase the alertness level, a more relaxing deep sleep, and faster learning abilities. These beats can also be used to stimulate the glands to produce hormones that the body needs.

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