Why Would I Want to Use Binaural Beats?

Binaural beats occur when two different tones are sent to the ears, through headphones. The brain then produces a third tone. The third tone is the difference in frequency between the first two tones. Binaural beats directly affect brainwaves and are known to have many benefits. The benefits of binaural beats occur because the beats allow the listener to access their subconscious mind. This allows for deep meditation and the listener is able to retrain the brain.

Binaural beats are often used to lower anxiety in individuals. They are thought to remove negative feelings and improve moods. They put the listener in a relaxed state of mind. Studies have shown they are effective in improving learning skills, stimulating creativity, reducing pain and improving focus and concentration. They have also been used to treat addictions and depression. They are thought to improve energy levels by resetting the potassium and sodium levels in the brain.

They can alter you to become more relaxed by producing a theta brain wave pattern in you while you are listening to them. They can also help you to sleep better during the night and to get to sleep at a quicker rate. There have even been cases of listeners recovering repressed memories. Others have reported having more frequent and lucid dreaming. Binaural beats allow the listener to achieve an altered state of consciousness in a short amount of time. Typically the listener can achieve this state in less than ten minutes. With all the benefits one can achieve from this, it is definitely something to be considered in place of drug therapy.

There are many other benefits of the use of binaural beats. All binaural audio is specifically made to create different effects in the listener. Binaural beat mp3 files are one of the most powerful tools available for opposing stress. The advantages of binaural beats are that they are comfortable to use and convenient. When you are combating your "mind chatter" and attempting to get into a contemplative state, the binaural beats recordings will aid you get there better.

Learn more about the science behind binaural beats at http://binauralbeat.info/audio-cds.php.

Articles on Binaural Beats - Binauralbeat.info