Stimulate Your Brain With Binaural Beats

What are binaural beats? One of our finest senses, hearing, is derived from the perception of sounds according to loudness and localization. Basically, hearing is a secondary 3-D perception to our world. Just like our eyes, each ear perceives its own sounds and combines in the brain to create sound. Binaural beats are low-frequency pulsations in a sound when low tones at slightly different frequencies are presented separately. A beating tone will be perceived, as if the two tones mixed naturally within the brain. Generally binaural beats are “entertainment” for the brain waves.

Binaural beats are complex beats mixed for brain stimulation. The benefits include natural brain stimulation and safety in using binaural beats for desired goals. Whether the desire is relaxation, energy, weight loss, concentration, or something in between, binaural beats provide benefits to the user through physiological means. While sending different frequencies to each ear, the beats stimulate the brain directly and naturally to achieve an individual goal.

Binaural beats were discovered by Wilhelm Heinrich Dove in 1839 when he found that his subjects perceived and recorded these beats with the utilization of two different wavelengths of sound. A well known use of these beats is in relaxation music. Binaural beats have been found to induce stress reduction, pain management, improvement of sleep quality, enhanced creativity and intuition, and positive affirmations.

The benefits happen naturally, therefore binaural beats are completely safe. Binaural beats rely on human physiology to correctly achieve matching sound frequencies in the brain. Working with the physiology of the human body always benefits the individual while guaranteeing safety for mind and body. Binaural beats are beneficial to the human mind and spirit because the mixed sounds use natural brain stimulation for effectiveness. Binaural beats are also beneficial to the safety of the mind and spirit through use of physiological frequencies previously established within the human brain.

Anxiety in our society has become such a prevalent problem that our health and well-being has suffered exponentially. Thankfully, these beats, used within different musical ways, helps the body, and the mind, to cope.

Read more about the science behind binaural beats at

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